About Us

Jeanini is old.
She loves designing cute merch and the color yellow!

<- Click on Jasper to check out her merch!

Jam is stinky.
She likes to make cute things.

<- Click on Sesame to check out her merch!

Who is Jasper?
Jasper is Jeanini's official mascot! He is based on her real cat (also named Jasper), who very old but also very handsome.


Who is Sesame?
Sesame is Jam's official mascot. He is based on her real cat, Goma, who likes to scream and eat plants.

Who is sleep-san?
sleep-san is @sleep_san on Instagram. Her favorite anime/manga is Hunter x Hunter. She has kindly donated all of her merch to sell at our shop. All proceeds from her merch go directly into Jasper and Goma's emergency fund (vet bills, medicine, etc)!

(btw, Jeanini, Jam, and sleep-san are all sisters)